Saturday, January 24, 2009

Long Time, No Blog!

Long overdue greetings to my five readers vast reading audience!

(If I were Catholic, I would say, "Bless me Father, for I have's been one month since my last blog entry..............)

Let me explain why it's been so long since I've blogged----it's the same, exact reason I don't scrapbook daily life (I only scrapbook things like vacations that have a start and an end).

Once I get "behind", then I think I can't start unless I go BACK and do all the stuff that has happened. Is that as clear as mud?

So, in order to move on with my life and feel whole again, I decided to do a quick recap of all things I was GOING to blog about, but didn't.

Here goes:
#1. Thanksgiving:
We spent Thanksgiving at T's parents house and went golfing on this cute little par 3 course near their house.

"Get in the hole!!!" (don't you hate those guys at tournaments that yell that?)

The boys with Grandma J and Grandpa J

Check out these cuties that I made a looooong time ago!

Back in "the day", I would find a cute idea, go buy the stuff and actually MAKE it--as evidenced here with these clever terra-cotta pot thingys. Now I find the idea, say, "That's cute!", buy the stuff to make it and then cram the stuff in the closet under the stairs never to be seen again.

Everything you need to know we learned in cotillion.
Thanksgiving etiquette lesson to gracefully eat Reddi-Whip.

Checklist: Thanksgiving...................DONE! Moving on.

#2 Christmas Lights Parade.
R's youth group decorated a "float" for the Festival Of Lights parade put on by the fire departments in our area.

All the neighborhoods come out and line the streets to see all the decorated firetrucks and various entries.

It's really cool to see all the different fire departments pile all these lights and Santa's and surprises on their trucks.

(Goldilocks and Papa Bear volunteered their oober cool truck)

R and his Youth Director, K!

Checklist: Christmas Lights Parade..................DONE.....moving on.

#3 Family Christmas:
Boys get an XBox360 and Guitar Hero World Tour.

Love that XBox.

Checklist: Family Christmas...........DONE! Moving on........

#4 T's Family Christmas:

We went to T's parents house for a formal picture, then presents and yummy dinner!

My three are on the left---then there's T's dad, brother, and my two "human" nephews, J#1 and J#2. (I say "human" because I do have a canine niece and a canine nephew, too! I'll introduce you to them soon!) Don't have a picture of the whole group----just all the boys.

I do have this pic of what I wore for the picture, though!
It's a.........a......dr........dre........dres......DRESS!

It's the first time I've worn a dress since 1996.
Check out the shoes...................they're "fancy" pointy toe shoes.

I felt important walking around in them because they "click" and make that sound that my sister's shoes make when I'm on the phone with her and she is walking to her car after work. That sound that screams out, "I am woman, hear me ROAR, I am important...........I wear heels on a DAILY basis.....not just for weddings and funerals." Sometimes when I'm alone in the house I wear them and pretend that I am a CEO of some important company and have a desk with important file folders and a secretary that brings me Starbucks.

CALL OF DUTY WORLD AT WAR! Let's get violent, bloody, and shoot people!

T's Brother, his wife, "J", T, and Snow

G just loves hugs....can't you tell?

Checklist: Christmas #2...................DONE! Moving on................

#5 Snow White's Family Christmas:

I finally learned how to ski and I loved it! (except for the frostbitten fingers and toes)

Snow White's first BLUE! (see the proof in the background?)
Bonanza was the name of my first blue run.............I love that word, "Bonanza"'s like my favorite word now. Say it............"bonanza" means "she who skis with grace" in Swahili.

G and T.......see T's ski jacket, circa 1981?
Yeah, that's right.........I said NINETEEN EIGHTY ONE (ish). Complete with the tight waist band that rides up all day long and everything. I wouldn't be surprised if it once had big ol' shoulder pads or an acid wash jean interior. When you put it on, it makes you want to say things like, "Gag me with a spoon"....or "Totally Tubular, dude". That T, he is one stylin' skier.....and he INSISTS on wearing that damn coat every year.

(I hate that coat...........just HATE it............if my house were burning, I would run back in the house just to make sure that coat was going up in flames........and then, while laughing an evil and joyful laugh, I would run back out after rescuing all things good and holy.....humans, pets, and all my Stevie Nicks shawls.)

Lindsay and Marcus at Happy Hour......everyone's FAVORITE time of day!

DaddyBill, R, MommyCee........gotta take breaks from skiing to let the old people have a rest now and then.

Sistahs! I love my sistah!

No, that's not the abominable's R.

Geriatric Gold Medal Winners Breckenridge 2008!

Checklist: Breckenridge...................DONE! Moving on...............

WHEW! I'm done! I feel whole again! Hello again, blogging world! It's nice to be back in the game:-)


Melissa P said...

You have the most beautiful smile!

Melissa P said...

You have a beautiful smile!

Reading Rosie said...

Cute update! Your family is beautiful! You remind me of myself and how I interact with my sons. Something extra special between a mom and her boys isn't there?

Unknown said...

Yay, you've returned.....I read everything and am prepared for my quiz now. :)