Sunday, May 3, 2009


(Thank you dear family for the $uper awe$ome fund shmollage fund, right?)

Last night, I had the privilege of going to see My Stevie and some other people on stage with her Fleetwood Mac and it was truly magical..................not as magical as when Stevie tours by herself, but magical nonetheless:-)

I had a 12th row floor seat on Stevie's side of the stage and right off the bat made a new "Stevie Friend"! Her name is Sheila and she was sitting by herself just like me!

I think my fairy godmother fixed it so we could sit together and meet!

Meeting new "Stevie Friends" is sooo much fun.....last year I met a gentleman named Ryan at the Woodlands concert and we still email occasionally! Stevie friends have a special bond:-) ha!

Sheila is also a crazed fan well-informed fan just like me!

It's so awesome to sit next to someone who KNOWS their stuff, and let me tell you, Sheila knows:-)

She said her son had introduced her to Fleetwood Mac years ago and she had been hooked ever since. I hope to see Sheila at the next concert because I KNOW she will be there!

When I was standing in line earlier in the evening, I was chatting with this gal named Megan. Megan was what I like to call, "First Semester Stevie."

She was saying things like, "Stevie and Lindsey used to be a couple" and "I don't think Stevie has ever had any children." DDDDUUUUUHHHHHHH!

I liked Megan, and while I admired her interest in all things Stevie, she had such a long way to go, I kinda felt sorry for her.

Here are some of my high points/thoughts:

Gold Dust Woman: This song is a drug. It should be illegal in most states. Stevie turns into this high priestess and at the end of the song, she turns her back to the audience and spreads out the witchy gold shawl (reserved ONLY for this song in every concert). Watching this song alone is worth the ticket price.

The Gropey-Dopey LOVERS in front of me: I have no idea why these two paid for floor seats because all they saw were each other's eyeballs while swapping spit THE ENTIRE NIGHT. I felt it was almost disrespectful to FM to not give them their full attention, but that's just me. Why couples need to convince those around them that they are in love baffles me. I think I saw more of their tongues than I did of Stevie's........and Stevie had her mouth open all night SINGING.

Sara: GORGEOUS.....she changed it up just like on her Soundstage CD that recently came out. I love how at the end she included the lyrics that you couldn't really hear on the original track AND included a new lyric. All I ever wanted/was to know/that you were dreaming/Sara and then the new lyric of And the wind became/crazy.

Costume Changes: There is ONLY one good thing about seeing Stevie leave the stage while we are forced to endure get to enjoy a 20 minute one of these:

(A Lindsey Buckingham ego booster guitar solo. I mean, I KNOW he is INSANELY talented and is responsible for producing all the awesome touches that make FM songs so special, but I'm not there to see him, so forgive my attitude)

The solo in "Im So Afraid" went on.

and on.

and on.


BUT, back to the only good reason to see her leave the stage..........A Costume CHANGE!

This red dress was my FAVORITE!
(Before the beginning of the concert, Sheila says to me, "I can't wait to see the red dress." At that moment I knew she was officially my new Stevie friend......she even knew the EXACT costume changes.........that's what real Stevie fans know:-)

I know what you are thinking..................

I bet you are saying to yourself EXACTLY what I was saying to myself................

"This dress is so reminiscent of her album cover "The Other Side of The Mirror"from 1989"

Well, guess what?

YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT! That's EXACTLY what I thought, too!

My personal Shout Out: This is Stevie hugging Lindsey telling him, "See! Andrea's in the audience! I'm so glad she came!"

Another costume change: You can't really see it, but this dress had sparklies all over the top and a flowy whispy skirt. Notice how she is looking my way? Coincidence? I think not. She knows where I am.

Looking for Stevie Outfits: One of my FAVORITE things to do at a FM/SN concert is to search for my next outfit idea. It's so neat to be walking through the crowd and look at someone dressed in their Stevie-Garb and smile at each other as if to say, "She's your fairy godmother, too?"

This chick had the dress specially made for her with the big flowy sleeves and she also had this fabulous head dress........................................

that had sparkly things in the feathers. WAY COOL.

Note to self: Have dress/headdress made for next concert

Mick Fleetwood's Introductions: I love the way Mick calls her Stephanie. It's cute.

Mick's CRAZY INSANE Drum Solo: He CRACKS me up. He should have been a front-man. He talked to the audience in this crazy "Mick Language." I think crowds RARELY get "into" drum solos, but with Mick............the crowd goes nuts.

I also loved "Second Hand News"----download it right now if you don't have it. It's fun.

Well, I could go on and on and on about every little note of every little song, but you get the picture!

It was an incredible night and I'm such a lucky girl to have received such a great Mother's Day gift from my guys!


Unknown said...

Here's my note to self based on your note to self: Buy one of those awful headdresses for Andrea's next birthday present and then promptly come up with an excuse for not going to the next Stevie concert with her. :)

Glad you had fun!!

Reading Rosie said...

I love dates with myself where I can let my hair down, meet new folks, and no one has any expectations about me. Looks like you had a great time. Love, Love, Love that shawl! How cool are you?!

Andrea said...

Andrea's "Note to self per Lindsay's note to self regarding my original note to self":

INSIST on Lindsay attending the next concert with me. Do not take no for an answer. Use guilt, schemes, or fibs to force her to be by your side showing off her fabulous gift.