Sunday, April 26, 2009

When it rains, it POURS...and doesn't drain.

Last weekend was the PERFECT weekend because of THIS:

I love it when it rains like this. EL-OH-VEE-EEE.
(This is the view looking out my front door)

Why do I love the rain?

I'm not a big "outside" person.

never enjoyed being outdoors unless it involved one of these two things:

1. Playing golf with my boys.


2. Watching my Stevie perform.............

outside............... an amphitheater. Although, I wouldn't be caught DEAD stalking her watching her from THIS far back.....I would be down front with all the other stalkers real fans in the orchestra pit.

(And if both #1 and #2 were going on at the same time, don't even ASK me which I would choose. My answer would make me look like the worst mother on the planet and cause me guilt beyond measure............but I'm pretty sure the guilt would go away after a few verses of Gold Dust Woman and one twirl)

When it rains, it means that everyone has to live in MY world and hunker down inside.

I just LOVE it..........the stormier the better.

Looking to the right at the cul-de-sac is Lake Echo. Our sweet little street always gives us a scare during big rain storms. It floods quickly, but luckily, it drains pretty quickly once the rain stops.

Looking to the left toward Goldilock's house. (she's waaaaay down there on the left but you can't see that far, but trust me.....she's down there probably re-arranging something in her house, blogging, or reading one of her 5,367 magazines that she gets every's an Addiction with a capital A.)

Here's a before:

Here's the after:

Do you like it when it rains?

P.S. There's only ONE drawback to a good rainstorm..........see the post below.


Goldilocks said...

Look at the BIG cross in that you see it?

Unknown said...

It's storming here today...and I'm at work with a bad case of the Mondays! :(

Raining + Monday + Working + After a long weekend out of town = Unhappy me.

Heidi said...

It rained all day here yesterday and my front yard looked like a pond. My backyard still does. The bad thing is that we have a chance for rain wed - sunday every day. I'm not an outdoor girl, but my kids are going to drive me nuts because they are!

Jenna said...

Thanks for noticing my recipe blog! I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it. No problem with keeping it in your sidebar... (:

You are seriously a hilarious writer!! I love it! I hope that you keep it up... (Gotta love that Houston rain! My husband grew up there!)