Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday Night Pool Party

As I write this post, my ears are numb.

We just hosted a Jr. High pool party for our church youth group and we had 25 GREAT kids here!

They are SUCH an awesome bunch!

Why are my ears numb?

Let's see..........................

Take 25 adolescents................

On a Friday night............

Toward the end of the school year......................

Add about 20,000 gallons of chemically treated water..............

Some caffeine.......................

A little more caffeine......................................

Sprinkle in some sugary snacks...........

Mix thoroughly, stand back and listen.

It is such a happy sound.

I love watching kids make up "games" with random stuff:

Did you know you can take a bucket.............

Put it on a friend's head....................

And then SIT on that friend.............................

for a looooooong time,

(or at least until the adult supervising about has a heart attack)

and that friend can breathe under the water!

Who knew a bucket could be so much fun?

It's always interesting to see the "looks" kids give when a camera is pointed in their direction:

Here we have two gangstah symbols, one thumbs up and a "too cool for school" look!

We bought another basketball goal this year because the chlorine ate the other one.

Ummmmm.......Trey.......I'm not sure throwing kids into the pool is proper sponsor behavior.

So..........there's our wild Friday night!

My ears may be numb for a while....................

you might have to speak up a little bit so I can hear you!!!
(but it's soooo worth it!)

1 comment:

Goldilocks said...

Looks like you had a rockin' good time!! Thanks for being the "cool mom" house!!