Saturday, May 2, 2009 I come!

Well.........I'm officially RAW from trying on 5,000 different combinations of shawls with different colors under them and I've decided to go with boring BLACK!

I'm fixin' to about to walk out the door! I'm so excited!

I'll give a FULL report tomorrow because I KNOW you all are waiting with anticipation to hear how my date with myself went!

I'm going to try and not send daggar eyes toward Lindsey Buckingham when he goes into his 20 minute long guitar solos.........or what I like to call them......"wasted time that could be spent listening to Stevie sing."

Gotta go!

1 comment:

Ashley McWhorter said...

Thanks so much for stopping by on the kitchen tour. I noticed that you live in Houston? We're neighbors. :)